Cellulite is not a health problem but an aesthetic problem that annoys most women. It is a feminine condition characterised by a dimpled appearance of the skin surface also called orange-peel aspect or dimpled skin or cottage cheese texture. This aspect is due to the fat cells chambers (lobules), whose architecture is specific in women, which are pushed to the surface of the skin.
This aspect is more or less severe and mainly located on the buttocks and thighs. It is indeed in these areas where the adipocytes (fat cells) are the most refractory to diet and physical activity because they have lots of alpha receptors that instruct them to store rather than release fat. A woman’s body is programmed for pregnancy.
INTERNAL FACTORS cause cellulite and involve complex mechanisms: water retention and/or adipocytes volume increase and/or fibrosis (see below). Other factors can also aggravate it: hormonal imbalance, sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, stress, venous insufficiency. In view of the different factors that trigger or aggravate cellulite, cellulite is not the same for everyone.
Grade 0: No dimpled skin, even with pinch test Grade 1: Dimpled appearance only with pinch test Grade 2: Dimpled appearance in standing position that disappears when lying down Grade 3: Dimpled appearance in standing and lying position.
THREE FACTORS ARE INVOLVED IN THE FORMATION OF CELLULITE They can be found in the same person to different degrees:
ADIPOSE: It corresponds to an increase in the number or volume of adipocytes associated with metabolic dysfunction. This is linked particularly to an alteration in the mechanisms of lipogenesis (synthesis of triglycerides/fat storage) and lipolysis (lysis of triglycerides/fat release).
FIBROSIS: This is due to the passing of water and large proteins in the tissues. The poor resorption by the lymphatic system of these proteins will lead to the formation of fibrosis. This phenomenon is therefore progressive, resulting from water retention and may appear several years later.
WATER RETENTION: This is linked to the passing of water from the vessels into the tissues (dermis and hypodermis) and is due to an increase in pressure in the venous sector (chronic venous insufficiency) or an excess of capillary permeability or a defect in lymphatic drainage (constitutional or acquired).
These 3 factors can be differentiated by clinical palpation and define 3 types of cellulite: adipose cellulite, aqueous cellulite and fibrous cellulite. Thus, in order to propose a treatment adapted to each type of cellulite, the IFAT classification of cellulite has been proposed (Infiltration, Fibrosis, Adipose/Tissue) keeping in mind that the medical name of cellulite in Italy is « Panniculopatia-Edemato- FibroSclerotica » (PEFS).
INTEREST OF endermologie® Because of its circulatory, anti-fibrosis and pro-lipolytic properties (stimulation of the natural fat release), endermologie® is effective in the treatment of this dimpled aspect of the skin, which in France concerns about 90% of women between 30 and 54 years of age. Contrary to the effects on fibrosis and adipocytes, which depend on each type and the aggravating factors, the effect of endermologie® on water retention is practically immediate and is observed from the very first session. Therefore, in some cases, an aggravation of the degree of severity may occur during the first sessions. Why is this? Imagine a beach in Brittany: shells are the bumpy aspect of cellulite and the tide is the water retention. It is only at low tide that shells appear on the sand. If this confusing phenomenon occurs, do not panic. endermologie® has done its job of draining, the sessions must be continued so that the mechanical stimulation awakens the adipocytes and/or acts on the fibrosis and the smoothing effect is finally revealed! To start, an average of 10 sessions are recommended, 2 sessions per week. Then, maintenance sessions once or twice a month are highly recommended to maintain the results on the long term.
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